Alright.Lots of things happening on planet Hollywood
First and sadly: why would Owen Wilson want to commit suicide. I like the guy. He's funny and a good actor. I have no clue what's going on in his life but, Hun, don't commit suicide. People like you.I know money and fame doesn't make people happy (or not always) but suicide? It's a big thing (that's an understatement). I know he broke up with Kate Hudson this year but still, you know, there are other ways.
Alright, on a funnier note. Britney's new song has leaked. Two actually. I admit I like some of the stuff she's made in the past. They are classics. But her new stuff just hurts my hears. It's like she can't sing any more. It's just weird sounds and background music.I personally think it's pretty awful. I know it's a trend in the US these days to write songs that don't mean anything or a all about the ass and the dance floor and brining the sexy back. But,man, please! Try to make SOME good music. Especially those who used to make semi-good music. People expect better from her. Ok, her lyrics never meant much, but at least they were kinda catchy but now it's just...empty, don't you think? Sounds like Fergilicious Fergie
Beckham should maybe change careers or just retire cause he keeps hurting himself. He's an old granpa.I like him. He's an excellent player but he has old bones for a football player.Oh, yeah. Funny story: again about Britney. It's all about her these days. She forgot to put her pants on yesterday. You could LITERALLY see her ass. Literally. She was just wearing a semi-long shirt and boots on the street. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT???It's disgusting.Baaaahhhh
Angelina Jolie is in Iraq working for the Unicef. I used to be team Aniston all the way but I really like Angelina these days. She does a lot of work for Unicef and other charities. I think it's fantastic. She's a celebrity. She can draw attention to whatever cause she wants. Plus I liked two movies she made this year: The Good Shepherd and A Mighty Heart. Good movies. And Mr sex god Pitt looks happy with her and the kids.
By the way, Brad Pitt and George Clooney are shooting together again. Burn After Reading. I don't know what it's about but I'm pretty sure I will see the movie when it comes out. Who am I kidding?! I WILL see it!It's Brad and George for Pete's sake.
Going to see Rufus Wainwright tomorrow night and I can't wait. I love him!!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Michael Clayton Trailer
I so wanna see this.Not only because of George but because it looks brilliant.Just like Syriana and Spy Game
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I know there's an answer
Okay, he's not a celebrity but there have been heavy rumors about Communist legend Fidel Castro being dead.Rumors about his death come and go but he hasn't been seen in public in over a year. On June 5, the government published a video of him and today in the press, he signed an essay about a Cuban political figure.This is so weird. The video could of course be fake. And anybody can fake a signature.It's very easy. Imagine, the guy could be dead. Maybe for a year. That would be so freaky. I mean he hasn't been seen in a year. The government keeps denying rumors but why doesn't Castro show up somewhere to proof he is alive.This is freaky.He's a ghost.
I'm kinda pissed at the whole Lohan and the Justice thing. She's only going to prison for a day. She was drunk and driving and coke was found in her car and that's all she gets!!!Paris Hilton's thing was worse. It's not the first time Lohan gets into a car accident after a party.Is that all you get for drunk driving in the US???Those people are crazy.She could have killed someone.She should get more than that like community service (like work with people who got injured in car accidents related to drunk driving) and her driving licence should be suspended for at least 3 years. That's the kid of thing you get in Germany.I just think that she got off pretty easy. I don't thin she understands what drunk driving can lead to.
Apparently, Britney's boys broke her new puppy's leg. She put the cute little thingy in their crib (who the fuck puts a puppy with a two little kids). They kids apparently threw the animal out of the crib.They're kids, they don't really get it (though Brit could teach them that ANIMALS ARE NOT TOYS) but poor little thingy. I also wonder where her other puppies disappeared.Maybe the kids ate them or threw them out of the window.You never know.
That's it for now.
I'm kinda pissed at the whole Lohan and the Justice thing. She's only going to prison for a day. She was drunk and driving and coke was found in her car and that's all she gets!!!Paris Hilton's thing was worse. It's not the first time Lohan gets into a car accident after a party.Is that all you get for drunk driving in the US???Those people are crazy.She could have killed someone.She should get more than that like community service (like work with people who got injured in car accidents related to drunk driving) and her driving licence should be suspended for at least 3 years. That's the kid of thing you get in Germany.I just think that she got off pretty easy. I don't thin she understands what drunk driving can lead to.
Apparently, Britney's boys broke her new puppy's leg. She put the cute little thingy in their crib (who the fuck puts a puppy with a two little kids). They kids apparently threw the animal out of the crib.They're kids, they don't really get it (though Brit could teach them that ANIMALS ARE NOT TOYS) but poor little thingy. I also wonder where her other puppies disappeared.Maybe the kids ate them or threw them out of the window.You never know.
That's it for now.
Friday, August 24, 2007
A knight in shining armor
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Do Me a Favour
Things have been pretty quiet for the Lindsay/Britney likes.Ok, Lohan is in rehab so I understand. Britney is, I hope, spending some time at home with her boys. Though there are some rumors that she might have left the country. I think it might do her some good. She should at least leave LA cause it's too crazy for her. Go to Montana or Chicago. Though the Jolie_Pitts are currently spending some quality time there so it might be a little crowded but she might ask Brangelina for some parenting advice. I'm mean with her. I shouldn't be. I don't know what she's like woth the boys. But I just know that if I had two kids like that, I would stay home with them and take them everywhere.She just bought a puppy for God's sake. Take care of the kids first and try to do that without a nanny.
I know celebrities/actors etc have a busy schedules but do they really need nannies. Most parents are doing it alone. It's not screwing the kids up. I understand if you have 4 kids but Courtney Cox has a nanny and she only has one kid.They take her on vacation and everything. I understand that you wanna be alone sometimes and have a nice evening with your husband, followed by some kinky sex but simple babysitters exist. I think too many celebs rely too much on their nannies. Parents all around the world have kids and work hard at the same time. My parents both had jobs but one of them was always there for us for the homework or to bring us to the park or play. You don't need a permanent nanny.I'm sure kids prefer to spend time with their parent than with the nanny.
Pete Doherty has once again been arrested. A week after his last court audience. Why isn't he in prison? I think he paid the British justice. Apparently, he had some troubles with his female cat. The cat had a litter and the kittens were acting really weird. Turns out the cat was a on coke and since she feeds the kittens it was passed on to them. God, I hope he never has kids.You don't want THAT happening to them. "Oh, honey! I think the baby is high...Oh, whatever...Want some more, mate?"
I have to admit: I was a backstreet boys fan. Fine. It's over (YES!). Did they really have to bring out a new single? For God's sake you should make different music now. Boy bands are over. Lyrics have no meanings (well not many American songs actually have meaning these days). But I'm a little sick of the "I love you. You love me not. My life is over. I'm gonna die and shoot myself" I that ALL you think about?? It's ALWAYS the same!
Lindsay Lohan is in rehab but she spends a lot of her time being out of the center. Okay, I'm not an experts in rehab centers but aren't you supposed to stay there at least 3 weeks without going out? I know she is in Utah, so not much can happen there but she goes shopping and got a tan, went rafting and blablablabla. She's always out of that center. Usually when celebs and other (non-famous) people go in there you don't see them for a month. They are not supposed to see any family member for a while. You're supposed to spend your time talking, reflecting, enjoying being in the media. But she goes out and gets photographed!!! She knows she is gonna be photographed. How do you wanna get better, Lohan? It's you 3 time in rehab don't you think you should be more serious about this? Take care of yourself, you're just a kid. It's just a little sad.I think she actually likes being photographed. I read this ELLE article.. The interview took place in Hyde (one of the most celeb filled restaurant) and insisted on having lunch outside in full view of the papz and then refused going out through the backdoor. I would HATE being photographed when I eat. She knows there are 20 of them there. The interviewer was a little sceptical too.Why does she go there anyway? She answered that she likes the food. I'm sure there are a million other perfectly good restaurants in LA. But Hyde and Les Deux are the IN places. Every celeb who WANTS to be seen goes there. She has to decide what she wants. She is good actress but people are starting to forget that cause she does her best to be on the cover of every tabloid magazine every single week.
Oh, I love my life.
I know celebrities/actors etc have a busy schedules but do they really need nannies. Most parents are doing it alone. It's not screwing the kids up. I understand if you have 4 kids but Courtney Cox has a nanny and she only has one kid.They take her on vacation and everything. I understand that you wanna be alone sometimes and have a nice evening with your husband, followed by some kinky sex but simple babysitters exist. I think too many celebs rely too much on their nannies. Parents all around the world have kids and work hard at the same time. My parents both had jobs but one of them was always there for us for the homework or to bring us to the park or play. You don't need a permanent nanny.I'm sure kids prefer to spend time with their parent than with the nanny.
Pete Doherty has once again been arrested. A week after his last court audience. Why isn't he in prison? I think he paid the British justice. Apparently, he had some troubles with his female cat. The cat had a litter and the kittens were acting really weird. Turns out the cat was a on coke and since she feeds the kittens it was passed on to them. God, I hope he never has kids.You don't want THAT happening to them. "Oh, honey! I think the baby is high...Oh, whatever...Want some more, mate?"
I have to admit: I was a backstreet boys fan. Fine. It's over (YES!). Did they really have to bring out a new single? For God's sake you should make different music now. Boy bands are over. Lyrics have no meanings (well not many American songs actually have meaning these days). But I'm a little sick of the "I love you. You love me not. My life is over. I'm gonna die and shoot myself" I that ALL you think about?? It's ALWAYS the same!
Lindsay Lohan is in rehab but she spends a lot of her time being out of the center. Okay, I'm not an experts in rehab centers but aren't you supposed to stay there at least 3 weeks without going out? I know she is in Utah, so not much can happen there but she goes shopping and got a tan, went rafting and blablablabla. She's always out of that center. Usually when celebs and other (non-famous) people go in there you don't see them for a month. They are not supposed to see any family member for a while. You're supposed to spend your time talking, reflecting, enjoying being in the media. But she goes out and gets photographed!!! She knows she is gonna be photographed. How do you wanna get better, Lohan? It's you 3 time in rehab don't you think you should be more serious about this? Take care of yourself, you're just a kid. It's just a little sad.I think she actually likes being photographed. I read this ELLE article.. The interview took place in Hyde (one of the most celeb filled restaurant) and insisted on having lunch outside in full view of the papz and then refused going out through the backdoor. I would HATE being photographed when I eat. She knows there are 20 of them there. The interviewer was a little sceptical too.Why does she go there anyway? She answered that she likes the food. I'm sure there are a million other perfectly good restaurants in LA. But Hyde and Les Deux are the IN places. Every celeb who WANTS to be seen goes there. She has to decide what she wants. She is good actress but people are starting to forget that cause she does her best to be on the cover of every tabloid magazine every single week.
Oh, I love my life.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The kids are alright

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and their little international family are in Chicago and went for a boat trip.They don't really seem to mind their kids being photographed so I can only say: Shiloh is the most beautiful thing on earth.She looks like a little angel.Blue eyes, blond hair. Mini Brad Pitt.Precious.
A lot of people say Suri is really cute. She is. But she can look a bit freaky. Just like her I-love-Scientology parents. Just kidding.Tom Cruise is weird though.And he looks ugly.And he jumps on sofas on Oprah.That's what scientology does to people.
It also looks like I was one of the few who didn't watch Highschool Musical 2 (HSM2) the other night. Well, one of the main reason is that I don't have Disney Channel. Secondly: I haven't seen the first one (well I've seen 30 minutes of before I heard the call of alcohol and shisha). Thirdly: I think Zac Efron is GEORGOUS but HSM isn't exactly my type of thing. It looks kinda funny and entertaining but I don't think I would like the songs. It has beaten every TV record yesterday but I still think it can't beat Grease or West Side Story. What happened to the rebels. I think Americans need something like HSM. No rebels.No bad guys. The kids are not perfect but almost. They get along with their parents, they sing, dance, don't smoke or drink. No riské rock songs. No G-rated scenes. Even the Even the Amish could watch it. It's just not very realistic.Teen/Tween-pop, romance but no sex-talk or attraction. It's like Barbie and Ken (Actually Efron looks like Ken). I understand why a lot of people like it. You want to believe in a world like that. It's a cute story. War! Terrorism!Global Warming!Let's forget that for 1 h 1/2. Escapism escapism. But, I admit, I should watch it. It's a culture thing. It's gonna be talked about for a while. And I can always just look at Zac ;) And I think I prefer that kids/teens watching that than taking Lindsay and co as role models.
Friday, August 17, 2007
It's all about the hair !!
You gotta see this.It's West Side Story all over.
Oh Zac Efron how I wish you were 3 years older.
H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D tales
Celebrity news for Lana. Have done my research just for you, me lady:D
Is it me or does Brad Pitt have small ears. I saw this profile picture of him and it seems he has small ears compared to the seize of his head.It's not the end of the world, it's just something I've noticed.Sorry.
Why does everyone always say that him and Angelina are going to break up? It's like they want it! Well, they probably do since it would make a great cover story and make them very rich. Well I've never ever bought a tabloid and won't ever do it because they're just silly liars (to put nicely). Moving on.
I also these new photo shoot pics of Mrs I-have-no-more-career Spears and I have to say it's little weird. Why would get naked at every photoshoot? Do you really want your kids to see you naked on every magazine cover? I would be petrified if that was my mother. I know they're just little kids but they are going to see those when they're older. Besides these pics look a little fake. She looks REALLY thin on those. Yet she has baby weight.
Women rule the western world these days. Isn't nice!But what a great image! Paris-Lindsay-Nicole-Britney (and they friend Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Misha Barton) get more attention then Nancy Pelossi, Hilary Clinton (well she does get a lot of coverage), Yulia Tymoshenko, Afghan and Iraqi women, Melinda Gates, Wu Yi...Kianda sad. If only the Paris like women did something good for the world but I can't find anything.Women fought for recognition and this is what we get.Good job, gurls.
To finish I would like to quote the lovely I-can't-rap-and-uses-my-ex-wife's-money-and-status K-Fed: (at a party) "Yo, I got a bigger table, I got six bitches with me. I got 4 kids already - which one of you girls want to have my fifth?" I love this world.
Is it me or does Brad Pitt have small ears. I saw this profile picture of him and it seems he has small ears compared to the seize of his head.It's not the end of the world, it's just something I've noticed.Sorry.
Why does everyone always say that him and Angelina are going to break up? It's like they want it! Well, they probably do since it would make a great cover story and make them very rich. Well I've never ever bought a tabloid and won't ever do it because they're just silly liars (to put nicely). Moving on.
I also these new photo shoot pics of Mrs I-have-no-more-career Spears and I have to say it's little weird. Why would get naked at every photoshoot? Do you really want your kids to see you naked on every magazine cover? I would be petrified if that was my mother. I know they're just little kids but they are going to see those when they're older. Besides these pics look a little fake. She looks REALLY thin on those. Yet she has baby weight.
Women rule the western world these days. Isn't nice!But what a great image! Paris-Lindsay-Nicole-Britney (and they friend Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Misha Barton) get more attention then Nancy Pelossi, Hilary Clinton (well she does get a lot of coverage), Yulia Tymoshenko, Afghan and Iraqi women, Melinda Gates, Wu Yi...Kianda sad. If only the Paris like women did something good for the world but I can't find anything.Women fought for recognition and this is what we get.Good job, gurls.
To finish I would like to quote the lovely I-can't-rap-and-uses-my-ex-wife's-money-and-status K-Fed: (at a party) "Yo, I got a bigger table, I got six bitches with me. I got 4 kids already - which one of you girls want to have my fifth?" I love this world.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Talk about living in a materialistic world
Several things I couldn't live without. No specific order:
(Hot) men (you need something to look at)
Starbucks/Second Cup (thank you for Chai Lattes, Dulce de Leche and Peanut Butter Pecan)
Coffee (addiction addiction. REHAB)
Alcohol (Bailey's, Beer)
My Ipod (Mr White Duke. After David Bowie. My Ipod is green but whatever)
Computer (Dino. After Dean Martin)
Bagels and Ben n' Jerry Ice cream
Friends and Family
TV (haven't named that one yet)
Talk about living in a materialistic world. I don't care.
(Hot) men (you need something to look at)
Starbucks/Second Cup (thank you for Chai Lattes, Dulce de Leche and Peanut Butter Pecan)
Coffee (addiction addiction. REHAB)
Alcohol (Bailey's, Beer)
My Ipod (Mr White Duke. After David Bowie. My Ipod is green but whatever)
Computer (Dino. After Dean Martin)
Bagels and Ben n' Jerry Ice cream
Friends and Family
TV (haven't named that one yet)
Talk about living in a materialistic world. I don't care.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Laughed my head off.
I'm Harry POtter, I'm Harry POtter
Voldemort, Voldemort, Volde-Voldemort
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