Happy Birthday me!!!!
This really shouldn't be allowed. He's gorgeous and has the most adorable smile.I want him for breakfast!I think men are getting better with age.It used to be different. But I think Brad, George, Rufi-Rufus and McDreamy have never looked better. They look classy and sexy. I'm somehow not attracted to guys like Josh Hartnett, DiCaprio and so on. Though Jake Gyllenhaal is a hot piece of chicken. And have you looked at Ewan these days!I saw him on Jonathan Ross. Flambloyantastic as well. I can't wait to see his trip through Africa.And he really has the cutest accent
Ok, I've seen a few Gossip Girl episode and I have to say I am not very impressed.The rich kids again.There isn't much there I think. It can't be OC. Seth is missing.Anyway.I'm sure a lot of teenies like it, which is good.
Don't you just LOVE Rufus' voice?I mean not only when he sings but when he talks!!And his laugh is just greatest.And his gestures. And his smile.Why on earth is he gay??...Well, he wouldn't be Rufus if he wasn't gay.It wouldn't be the same.
AH. that's so weird.. okay last night I found all these pictures of mcdreamy and was going to tell you to buy that magazine! and then i was going to tell u and flor to watch that jonathan ross video!!
before they came on Jonathan Ross there was another guest who was asking why the screen, on which they show clips, was behind the couch and jonathan said it was so he could check out their arses. so when charlie and ewan cam on they did that on purpose!! jake gyllenhall was on jonathn ross last night, HILARIOUS. and so hot!
we are weird
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