"Very sad. This is a children's book that unfortunately is geared more to weak minded adults. If she wants to write adult themes then she needs to write for the adult market. This is just another way of attempting to force these false values upon our children."
I'm sure it's the same kind of people who say that Harry Potter is Satan and that the books shouldn't be read because it promotes witchcraft.I saw a movie the other day in which a evangelist woman said that if Harry Potter had existed in the Middle Ages he would have been burnt alive.Hahahahahaha.So funny!Evangelist and Christians can be weird.It's incredible how many people (in the US particularly) think that kids shouldn't read the Harry Potter books because it goes against Christian value.What the fuck?LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE as Chris Cocker would say!
People are weird.
I personally love Satan.I like his costume and he is a funny guy...lalala

It was so obvious -- the perfectly groomed beard, the showy accessories, and the purple regal cloaks. He could give ruf a run for his money!
Rufus and Dumbledore.That is a weird thought...But they have a thing for nice extravagant clothes.
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