I don' actually want these houses.Too clean, too big, no charm or character.They are just big and its just a display of money, which I find pretty sad.Most of the time only 2 or 3 people live in these house.What's the point?

Eddie Murphy.Well he needs space when all his kids come to visit.

John Travolta.I know he likes planes but isn't this going a bit too far, really? "I have a plane in my pool!"

Oprah Winfrey. Ir looks so palacy with the fountain and everything.And she says she is like us.40 old soccer moms watch her show and this is what she has.ttttt.how weird

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett.They probably loose the kids once in a while.And it looks like you need quiet a while to get to the pool.

Michael Jordan. How many cars does he have??his house looks a bit like an industry or a mall.It doesn't really have windows.
MJs house totally looks like that big building in that Texan cult that's been on the news lately!
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