Friday, April 18, 2008

Summer nights

God it's warm outside suddenly.we had 20C 2 days ago and yesterday suddenly 30C in the sun.It was crazy wonderful.Everyone started wearing cute little dresses...well not guys obviously...although that would be hilarious.I just hope this warm weather is going to last.Studying outside is way better than studying inside when it's raining.And Montreal is just fantastic in the summer.Really really great cause everyone is outside having a beer and what's better than that, uh?I ask you.Beer must be one of my few Belgian sides.I think I only kept the good stuff.I'm not French and I love beer.Thank God I didn't really keep the accent.That would be horrible.How do you get laid with a Belgian accent?I doubt you can.Except in Belgium.But that's because they don't know any better.They are not the smartest people.I'm kidding.They are smart Belgians it's just that the accent doesn't make them sound smart.I'm mean.I don't care,I'm allowed to.
Anyhow...enough babbling.
I'm so glad all the tv show are starting again.Desperate Housewives was on the other.Except that it's like 2 months have past in the tv show as well.There was a freaking tornado last time but it is hardly talked about.How weird is that.
Sunday we'll have Brothers and Sister and Thursday, Grey's Anatomy.Except that I won't be home for Grey's because I have a dinner I have to go to.Guess I'll have to watch it online.I still can't wait:D


Lana said...

hilarious did you see Luke from the OC in desperate housewives!

Marie said...

yes!!!!hilariously funny