aaaawww.This makes me so happy and proud.They have an itunes ad!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
This is necessary...
Down under?
So I ended up looking at travel websites.This is the kind of things they put on Australian travel websites.I think it's pretty encouraging.
Box Jell Fish:
You have virtually no chance of surviving the venomous sting (hahahahaha), unless treated immediately. The pain is so excruciating and overwhelming that you would most likely go into shock and drown before reaching the shore ( even if you are with someone, they might not be able to reach you before you die). So don't go swimming alone!
Stone fish:
The sting causes excruciating pain (well thanks for the details) and a great deal of swelling rapidly develops causing death to tissues.The symptoms of the venom are muscle weakness, temporary paralysis and shock, which may result in death if not treated.
Blue Ring Octopus:
One of the more deadly animals on the face of the Earth (Ok...that's interesting...) Although the painless bite can kill an adult, injuries have only occurred when an octopus has been picked out of its pool and provoked or stepped on.
Symptoms: nausea; hazy vision, within seconds you are blind (fantastic!) ; loss of sense of touch, speech and the ability to swallow; within 3 minutes, paralysis sets in and your body goes into respiratory arrest
Sydney Funnel Web: It is a large (6-7 cm), black, aggressive, ugly looking spider with massive fangs. These are large and powerful enough to easily penetrate a fingernail. During a bite the spider firmly grips its victim and bites repeatedly; in most cases the experience is horrific. The venom is highly toxic. The venom of the slightly smaller male spider is five times as toxic as the female. This is unfortunate, as male funnel webs tend to roam about, particularly after heavy rain in summer, and often wind up indoors. For some strange reason, human beings are particularly sensitive to the venom, whereas toads, cats and rabbits are almost unaffected!(Oh great...suddenly I wish I was a rabbit)
Symptoms: The bite is usually immediately painful, and if substantial envenomation occurs, symptoms commence usually within a few minutes:
- Sweating, muscle twitching, salivation, severe hypertension.
- Vomiting, airway obstruction, muscle spasms, grimacing, extreme hypertension.
- Unconsciousness,widely dilated pupils, uncontrolled twitching, and death unless artificial ventilation is provided.
- After about 2 hours the muscle fasiculations and most symptoms start to subside, and are replaced with insidious but profound hypotension, primarily due to severe cardiac failure.
Crocodiles, Red Back spiders, Tiger snakes, Brown snakes, and the Great White Shark are also kind of frightening.They seriously do not want you to come to Australia when they put that on a website
If you wanna throw up look at this:
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Man That Got Away

Michelle Williams was in Cannes for 2 days.Probably promoting a movie but I don't know exactly which one. I know she did one with Ewan McGregor not long ago but Ewan wasn't there so it must be another one.She looks happy...I'm glad.It must a horrible thing to loose you (ex-) husband.And Mathilda looks so much like her father.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dan vs Blair - Brooklyn vs Manhattan

Upper east side
culture: Metropolitan museum, Frick Collection, Guggenheim, Whitney Museum of American Art. It's hard to compete with the Upper East Side's “museum mile”.

private schools: dalton school
food: Lollipop , Elaine’s, Mr. Chow’s
shopping: Cecile and Jeanne, Chuckies, Stubbs and Wootton, Luca Luca, Cantaloup
celebrities: Brooke Shields, Bill Murray, Robert Redford, Michael J. Fox, Barbara Walters (I don't really care for her but she is totally Upper East Side)
nightclub/bars: session73, Ryan's Daughter, cafe carlyle, Bar Coastal
and well...that's where they shoot Gossip Girl most of the time
Culture: Brooklyn Museum of Art, music venues.
houses: Brooklyn Heights It' s a combination of Manhattan’s Upper Westside and the Village.

private schools: the packer collegiate institute
food: Applewood, 360, iCi, Franny's. Bkcookie (for cookies)
shopping: Brooklyn Pubic couture (vintage), noisette (hipster, french, euro-chic), Hooti Couture, Junk, Zoe.
celebrities: Michelle Williams, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, and Keri Russell
best coffee shop: Vox Pop, Tea Lounge, Fall Cafe, Tillie's
nightclub/bar: Magnetic field, The box, Hugs, BLVD, The Annex
Brooklyn seems top have nicer bars and places to hang out.and it's quieter. It used to be dangerous but now it looks so quiet. Celebrities live there and I guess it helped as well.
When it comes to shopping, it depends what you like vintage/hipster/chic or peppy/French/chic
Monday, May 19, 2008
Housewives in charge
I was COMPLETELY surprised to see this last night.craziness!Gabi, Lynnette and Susan!!!
I do not care for this
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
"Pretty things, so what if pretty things..."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Georgina Georgina

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Wonders wonders

A year today, I was in Australia.It's already been a year.Makes me wanna go there again.I was in Sydney on Bondi beach having breakfast with Zab, looking at the hot surfers.Like them:

One of them lost his trunks after jumping in the water.I laughed at him and he said 'hi' cause he was naked.Even have a picture of him naked but maybe I shouldn't post it....;)
This is a pretty cool article from The Age.I loved backpacking in Australia.It's a lot of fun and you meet so many interesting, and not so interesting, people.
You literally meet all kinds of people.We met this British guy who used to replace the Arctic Monkey's drummer when they weren't famous yet.Or you just meet people who came to Australia and decided to stay for a year doing little jobs here and there while traveling around the country. I think that's pretty courageous.
I wish I could go back soon.Great great fun.I'll probable end up in SYdney one day anyway"I should retire there.It's a very peaceful laid back "little" island.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
All Around the World
1. Rwanda.
I'm always hesitating between Rwanda and Kenya.Very different landscapes though.Kenya is dry.My brother is going to Kenya this Summer for an internship.I'm a little jealous I have to say. Rwanda might sound weird but apparently it's fantastic. Both the people and the landscape

2. Mongolia
Very isolated. It's the wilderness that attracts me.Horse riding in Mongolia would be great!!!

3. Australia
I just love it.It's beautiful. Especially the Blue Mountains. And I love Sydney. Beach, city and 2 hours away from the Blue Mountains

4. Ethiopia
Mountains in the North

5. New York City
Going there soon. I go rather often but I still love. Should visit the Upper east Side Again

I's cold...whatever.Still want to go there

I think I have a thing for Mountains.....and cities with skyscrapers. I think I might want to go back to Italy as well. Rome is amazing. And Tuscany. Especially for the food.Gelato and antipasti

Monday, May 5, 2008
WaA!GoSSiP GiRl!!

With all the buzz about Gossip Girl, I started watching it 2 weeks ago.What a mistake.A huge mistake.Cause now I like it...which is bad.I don't know why though.Now I like too many shows.Well not really.Most of the shows I liked are over, except for Brothers and Sisters and Grey's Anatomy (the last episode was awesome by the way.Very funny elevator scene...involving McDreamy).Back to Gossip Girl.I love the clothe. I love Nate, Serena, and Dan is really nice.Jenny is getting bitchy and Blair-y, which I find very interesting.And it's set in NYC!What else can you wich for.The bitchy, classy NY high society.Wonderful wonderful.

SO yeah the cloth are amazing.I just wanna wear everything.Especially the shoes usually.I have a thing for shoes.Well who doesn't.
Yes the show is way better than the OC.I don't know.I hated Marissa. Ryan was a little weird as well. Though I loved Seth. And was in California...who likes Orange County anyway. New York the thing, man! Chuck and Blair might be bastards but I still like them.They make the show all the more interesting.
So yeah..I'm not addicted....But I like it
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Little Notes
4 names you go by:
1. Little Belgian
2. Yiyi
3. Crazy
4. Elmo
4 things you like about yourself:
1. Loyalty
2. my eyes
3. ability to drink and drink ;).
4. I think I'm a little smart.I like that :)
4 parts of your heritage:
1. Belgian
2. Dutch
3. French
4. ....
4 of your everyday essentials:
1. ipod/Music
2. mascara
3. my little apple computer
4. my friends
4 of your favourite bands or musical artists: (currently)
1. Rufus Wainwright
2. Coldplay
3. The Shins
4. Interpol/Robbie Williams
4 of your favourite songs:
1. Rufus Wainwright - Go or Go Ahead
2. Rufus Wainwright - Dinner at Eight
3. Coldplay - Swallowed in the Sea
4. The Shins - The Shins
4 things you want in a relationship:
1. Trust
2. Laughs
3. Debates about politics, history, etc
4. Fun
4 things about the preferred sex that appeal to you
1. intellect
2. sexy. especially the the eyes...
3. nice but a little rough
4. fashion...sorry.
4 current obsessions:
1. Biking with friends around Montreal
2. Dancing. House and electro.
3. Mojitos
4. Gossip Girl
4 kinds names you like:
1. Aidan
2. Hazel
3. Ryder
4. William
4 things you want to do before you die:
1. Have a or two kids
2. Work at the UN
3. Volunteer work in Africa
4. Travel travel travel travel travel
4 celeb crushes:
1. George Clooney
2. Brad Pitt
3. Patrick Demspey
4. Ewan Wilson
4 (of my) favorite movies:
1. Love Actually
2. Syriana
3. Good Night and Good Night
4. Y tu mama Tambien
4 of your favourite hobbies:
1. Music
2. Drinking
3. Reading
4. Politics
4 places I would like to go:
1. Kenya
2. Ethiopia
3. Australia
4. New York
Thursday, May 1, 2008
If you love me, won't you let me knooow
Was a long and dark December
From the rooftops i remember
There was snow
White snow
Clearly i remember
From the windows they were watching
While we froze down below
When the future's architectured
By a carnival of idiots on show
You'd better lie low
If you love me
Won't you let me know?
Was a long and dark December
When the banks became cathedrals
And the fog
Became God
Priests clutched onto bibles
And went out to fit their rifles
And the cross was held aloft
Bury me in honor
When i'm dead and hit the ground
A love back home unfolds
If you love me
Won't you let me know?
I don't want to be a soldier
With the captain of some sinking ship
With snow, far below
So if you love me
Why'd you let me go?
I took my love down to violet hill
There we sat in snow
All that time she was silent still
So if you love me
Won't you let me know?
If you love me,
Won't you let me know?
Also I have tickets for the Radiohead concert in Montreal this summer.I'm very excited about this. Open air concert on a small fun fun