1. Rwanda.
I'm always hesitating between Rwanda and Kenya.Very different landscapes though.Kenya is dry.My brother is going to Kenya this Summer for an internship.I'm a little jealous I have to say. Rwanda might sound weird but apparently it's fantastic. Both the people and the landscape

2. Mongolia
Very isolated. It's the wilderness that attracts me.Horse riding in Mongolia would be great!!!

3. Australia
I just love it.It's beautiful. Especially the Blue Mountains. And I love Sydney. Beach, city and 2 hours away from the Blue Mountains

4. Ethiopia
Mountains in the North

5. New York City
Going there soon. I go rather often but I still love. Should visit the Upper east Side Again

I know....it's cold...whatever.Still want to go there

I think I have a thing for Mountains.....and cities with skyscrapers. I think I might want to go back to Italy as well. Rome is amazing. And Tuscany. Especially for the food.Gelato and antipasti

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