This is pretty cool.they nailed it
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
It's the most wonderful time of the yerr
Christmas is just around the corner so we put up the Christmas tree yesterday!Yay.And it's snowing these days so we are dreaming of a white Christmas.It's really nice, though a little cold.When I came home last night, it was -13 C.Oh well.It's alright since it's snowing.
The cat got his balls cut off.I'm sad to to say that he's no longer a man.Just a without balls.It's s shame he never got to experience sex.Well I guess it's best for him.It's funny cause when I got him back from the vet, he kept looking behind like "Am I missing something?"
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Bang Bang Boom

How hot is he?
I'm sorry for the lack of update.It's the end of the year so I have a lot of papers and finals.I'm actually in class right now.Biotechnology....who cares.
I can't wait for Rufus' live CD and DVD next week.YAYAYAYAY.I'll have something to watch on the plane on my way to Europe.I can't wait to go home.I wanna see my mother, David, Zab and others and my doggie.I miss them all.I miss you too,Lanananana.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Descent into alcoholism
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Cut Cut Paste
Let's talk music since so many 1990s popstars are bringing albums out. I mean Britney is back (haven't listened to that one....sorry.), I think the Spice Girls are supposed to have a Best Of out soon and their new song is out as well, Westlife is here again and Backstreet's back (Alright!).Well....for the people who didn't like the 90s, 2007 is not a good time.Why is everyone coming back now?Take That are doing their thing too.Why?I thought boybands were over.Actually they say they aren't boybands anymore but vocal harmony groups.What the fuck is that?No!You're a boyband.Poppy, sloppy, fluffy love songs who have "baby" and "oh yeah" and "I miss you" in every sentence is a boyband song.Now that I'm older (not wiser) I realize that late 1990s music was a bunch of crap, except for a few exception.It didn't mean anything and it seemed that every teenager had lost any sense of music taste.I'm not saying that rnb is better but at least we have alternative/indie/rock (not Fall Out Boy, American Reject,Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne, Ashley Simpson...Fake emo rock) the likes as well.Usually there is a little more meaning there.I think the US sends us a lot of bad music, I mean especially what they play on the radio.Mainstream American radios make you wanna kill yourself.It's all the sam and I can't make the differents between the rappers and rnboppers.For the love of Pete!Get it together Yankees!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Black Cat Says...

I saw some weird people today: Spiderman, Superman, a girl in her pyjamas,Tiger, guys and girls in underwear (that was,nice...the guys I mean), Don Juan,the devil.It's not even candy time yet and people are already dressed up.I also saw ten 4 year old kids with their teachers, holding hands and all dressed up.They were soooo cute.Walking in downtown Montreal.People stopped to look at them because they were all so damn cute.
Watched the Nightmare Before Christmas last night and tonight we're going downtown for the big open air Halloween party.It should be fun!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Ich bin Brad Pitt
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Snape, Snape, Severus Snape, DUMBLEDORE!!!
"Very sad. This is a children's book that unfortunately is geared more to weak minded adults. If she wants to write adult themes then she needs to write for the adult market. This is just another way of attempting to force these false values upon our children."
I'm sure it's the same kind of people who say that Harry Potter is Satan and that the books shouldn't be read because it promotes witchcraft.I saw a movie the other day in which a evangelist woman said that if Harry Potter had existed in the Middle Ages he would have been burnt alive.Hahahahahaha.So funny!Evangelist and Christians can be weird.It's incredible how many people (in the US particularly) think that kids shouldn't read the Harry Potter books because it goes against Christian value.What the fuck?LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE as Chris Cocker would say!
People are weird.
I personally love Satan.I like his costume and he is a funny guy...lalala

Friday, October 19, 2007
Fuckingly Brilliant
Watch this.It's excellent.I can't wait for the DVD in December. I'm gonna jump on it.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Big Beef and Gay Messiah

Happy Birthday me!!!!
This really shouldn't be allowed. He's gorgeous and has the most adorable smile.I want him for breakfast!I think men are getting better with age.It used to be different. But I think Brad, George, Rufi-Rufus and McDreamy have never looked better. They look classy and sexy. I'm somehow not attracted to guys like Josh Hartnett, DiCaprio and so on. Though Jake Gyllenhaal is a hot piece of chicken. And have you looked at Ewan these days!I saw him on Jonathan Ross. Flambloyantastic as well. I can't wait to see his trip through Africa.And he really has the cutest accent
Ok, I've seen a few Gossip Girl episode and I have to say I am not very impressed.The rich kids again.There isn't much there I think. It can't be OC. Seth is missing.Anyway.I'm sure a lot of teenies like it, which is good.
Don't you just LOVE Rufus' voice?I mean not only when he sings but when he talks!!And his laugh is just greatest.And his gestures. And his smile.Why on earth is he gay??...Well, he wouldn't be Rufus if he wasn't gay.It wouldn't be the same.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I love Elmo.It's like he's on drugs all the time.He has the funniest voice and laughter and does all this weird drunken gesture...Reminds me of an Irish girl I know...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
The Fly
Thanksgiving (Canadian) this weekend. YES! Happy Turkey Murder Day. We're having our thanksgiving on Sunday with 15 other expats living in Montreal. Pretty cool. We're gonna need a HUGE turkey and a couple of pumpkins. It's so weird cause it doesn't really feel like fall since it's like 25 C during the day.I like chilly weather.I like scarves, gloves and boots.
So I'm going back to Europe on Christmas. Probably for alittle more than 2 weeks, which is really cool. I can't wait to see everyone: Friends, mom, grand parents, dog. I have no idea how we are going to celebrate Christmas because I plan to do it with my grand parents and my mom. My suddenly said that he didn't wanna be there. Is he really gonna spend Christmas day alone?He isn't even sure whether he'll be in France or not. He might be in Montreal. I really don't get him sometimes...well often actually. He's really lost since the divorce and keeps relying on us. Sometimes I fell like I'm his mother and at other times I fell like he treats me like a 10 year old, which really gets on my nerves.Anyway, this all too complicated and makes me angry and sad so I'm not gonna talk about it...I should get him a dog...seriously.
I'm gonna go watch Brothers and Sisters...their lives re more complicated than mine
I'm out:D
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Walkers
Kevin is hilarious!!He's the most hilarious thing I've ever seen...after you Alahna, of course. Dinosaur guy
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Black mirror

Am currently watching the new season of Brothers and Sisters. Got hooked up on the show a few days ago. It's actually excellent. Justin is a cutie. If you can, watch it.
Sorry for the lack of update. I've been busy with school and going out. Besides there isn't much happening in Hollywood these days. I'm sick the Brit.So I'm not talking about her.
However, this really über-adorable picture of Shiloh just got out. She is so adorable. A mixture of Brad and Angelina.
I can't believe the Spice Girls are coming back.So hilarious!Do they even get along? It's just a little weird and ridiculous. They can't do the world power again. They're all in their 30s. It's just...WEIRD!It's not like they can wear those awful clothe again and scream GIRL POWER!...Actually, it would made me laugh like a whale.
Have you seen Paris Hilton on David Letterman the other day.So awkward. He really nailed her. I almost felt bad for her...No...that's a was pretty fun.Talking about jail and...jail.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
"NEW YORK (AFP) — Hollywood heart-throb George Clooney suffered a cracked rib and road rash after a motorcycle accident in New Jersey, his publicist said Friday.
The 46-year-old Oscar-winning actor was travelling with his girlfriend Sarah Larson at the time of the crash in Palisades. Larson, 28, suffered a broken foot in the accident, Clooney's spokesman Stan Rosenfield said.
The couple were treated at the Palisades Medical Center and later released the statement added." (
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Straighten up and Fly right
And KEEP YOUR PANTIES ON!I don't wanna see...things.It's like she is LOOKING for trouble.
Oh I wish the Disney Club years were not over. Sweet little innocent Britney...And then Ryan Gosling....
Oh, I saw a new picture of Paris Hilton with some new Chihuahua puppy.At least I think he's new since he looks like a baby rat...Just wondering...Where are the others. How many does she have? It's not a purse or a bracelet, Paris. Oh, and she wants to have kids pretty soon. She said it like it was on her calendar for next year....I don't think that's how it works.You might want to fight someone first, and then you have to get pregnant (Paris...Pregnant...Mother??) Then you might have to stop partying and going to prison.And, a kid is not just for a week but at least for's sit down...think (I'm sure she can do that. She is not stupid, just irresponsible)...and think of a pretty purse or a nice dress. KID SHOPPING IS NOT RIGHT
God have mercy
That would be like Thanksgiving!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Ballad of Humankindness
I wanna see the new Desperate Housewives as well seeing how it ended at the end of the 3rd season.Eddie Eddie.
There is also this new show Gossip Girl. I used to read the books to practice my English. Unfortunately it airs on Tuesday nights and I have class til 8.30. Kinda sucks. I like watching the new shows. Decide which one I'm gonna watch. Especially since Gilmore Girls is over.
Anyway...more later one.I have to go to class.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
SO freaking funny
Chandler and Phoebe are great.This is oe of Friend's funniest scene and the bloopers just make it better
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Tower of Learning
I just saw the new backstreet boys video on tv and ut's kinda crap.Well the song not superb but okay.It's just that the video is the same as usual. They look like they're gonna die any minute and make all these boyband gestures.And why do they always need to walk away in the end. The last shot is always them turning their back and walking away. Kind of annoying. If you wanna go just go.Leave and make different music....I'm mean.I used to like them.But I can't really stand them these days because they'll never change and because US music is so shitty these days.I'm glad I walked away from it.
The US is a fucked up place sometimes. I was watching this documentary the other day about gun control. After the Virginia Tech incident a student is asking to be allowed to be bring a gun at school so he can defend himself in case of a shooting. What The Fuck? Can you imagine if everyone brought a gun in university???They would kill each other.You get into a fight with someone and you bring out your gun and shoot him because you're angry and don't think twice. You don't like a teacher or get a bad grade, you shoot him. Some crazy kid takes your gun away and shoots other students.The guy was like "If it's okay outside the campus, why not inside". think no one should have the right to own guns except for policemen and hunters.Gun control should be much stricter. We're not in the 16th century for God's sake.Find other ways to defend yourself.And you wouldn't have to defend yourself against another armed person in the first place if guns weren't given to just about everyone. I know the American Constitution is all about freedom and being allowed to have guns but constitutions can be altered. We're not 17th century cowboys and Indians.This is so stupid.I'm not even gonna start with the death penalty.
Anyway...calming down
Last night, my university organized a free concert on the street and we had Metric, which is really cool. Emily Haines is a great performer.A lot of concerts these days.
Other then that French actor Vincent Cassel (Ocean's movie) will be shooting a movie in my street and the park next to it on Saturday and Sunday. So I'm probably gonna see him, which is pretty great. I like the guy.Downside is that I'm not allowed to go out of my street whenever I want since they will be shooting a 19th cent London or something (there's already there typical British telephone booth outside in the park.Made me laugh) Imagine me walking in the movie with my Ipod on.Very old fashioned indeed.
I love the new Ipods by the way. The nano has great colors. The touch Ipod is a little weird because it doesn't look like an ipod anymore and I like how the classic Ipod looks like
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
And a few more
It's Britney Bitch!
2.Bad lip-syncing (at one point she actually stopped doing it)
3.Bad dancing (in fact she was just moving a little)
4. AWFUL wardrobe. A little disgusting even. Just undies
5.She seemed very bored. Don't do it if you don't want it, babe. She didn't smile
I understand that she was under a lot of pressure from the medias, fans, audience and music business but still. She used to do these incredible, memorable performances with giant snakes and little Madonna kisses. ANd last night, her show will be memorable for one of the worst performances of a famous artist. I loved Diddy's and Fiddy cents though. Very funny. Everyone is talking about it. She all over the medias. The tabloids are gonna have a field trip. Poor girl. I think it's seriously too late now. She should stop. Or go away for 4-5 years and then maybe come back. Leave the US, take care of her kids and get a normal life. She was in Vegas for the week end and instead of rehearsing was partying all night long. I'm starting to wonder whether she really wants a comeback because she is doing everything for it not o happen. It's sad.
Osheaga was really great this week end: best were Interpol, Arctic Monkeys and Martha Wainwright.We are Scientist were not bad but I thought Bloc Party would be better. They don't have much presence on stage. It wasn't bad, I just thought a band like this would be better live. They closed the show but Interpol or The Arctic Monkeys should have done it cause they got the crowd going blllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nuts. People jumping over my head. Martha Wainwright was very different from all the artists that day as she more into the folk genre but people LOVED her and really clapped for a long time. She was happy, asked someone for his pot when she smelt it (it's legal here) and smoked it on stage. She's funny. Her mum, famous Kate McGarrigle was in the background.I wish Rufus had been there. Other than that Macy Gray and Gotjan Project were pretty good. Here are a few pics

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Anyway: I found this amazing video on youtube. As a kid I used to love a movie about a kid who travels on a stamp and goes on different continents. I used to love the actor and watched the movie a lot of times.Well, it turns out, 13v year old Rufus Wainwright was singing the theme song.This is NOT a coincidence!This is FATE!I was meant to like Rufus' music.He's so damn cute by the way.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Gay messiah
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
14th street
Rufus and Martha.
More here:
In some of the vids you can't really see him anymore.The woman in front of me had a big head and I tried to avoid her stoopid head on my vid. Well, the most important thing is his voice, which is absolutely amazing.The guy is a genius and him singing with his sister was great. He also sang an Irish song opera-style, meaning without his mike. He did some Judy Garland songs as well:D And the guy is really funny. And spoke both French and English.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Toxic extention
First and sadly: why would Owen Wilson want to commit suicide. I like the guy. He's funny and a good actor. I have no clue what's going on in his life but, Hun, don't commit suicide. People like you.I know money and fame doesn't make people happy (or not always) but suicide? It's a big thing (that's an understatement). I know he broke up with Kate Hudson this year but still, you know, there are other ways.
Alright, on a funnier note. Britney's new song has leaked. Two actually. I admit I like some of the stuff she's made in the past. They are classics. But her new stuff just hurts my hears. It's like she can't sing any more. It's just weird sounds and background music.I personally think it's pretty awful. I know it's a trend in the US these days to write songs that don't mean anything or a all about the ass and the dance floor and brining the sexy back. But,man, please! Try to make SOME good music. Especially those who used to make semi-good music. People expect better from her. Ok, her lyrics never meant much, but at least they were kinda catchy but now it's just...empty, don't you think? Sounds like Fergilicious Fergie
Beckham should maybe change careers or just retire cause he keeps hurting himself. He's an old granpa.I like him. He's an excellent player but he has old bones for a football player.Oh, yeah. Funny story: again about Britney. It's all about her these days. She forgot to put her pants on yesterday. You could LITERALLY see her ass. Literally. She was just wearing a semi-long shirt and boots on the street. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT???It's disgusting.Baaaahhhh
Angelina Jolie is in Iraq working for the Unicef. I used to be team Aniston all the way but I really like Angelina these days. She does a lot of work for Unicef and other charities. I think it's fantastic. She's a celebrity. She can draw attention to whatever cause she wants. Plus I liked two movies she made this year: The Good Shepherd and A Mighty Heart. Good movies. And Mr sex god Pitt looks happy with her and the kids.
By the way, Brad Pitt and George Clooney are shooting together again. Burn After Reading. I don't know what it's about but I'm pretty sure I will see the movie when it comes out. Who am I kidding?! I WILL see it!It's Brad and George for Pete's sake.
Going to see Rufus Wainwright tomorrow night and I can't wait. I love him!!
Michael Clayton Trailer
I so wanna see this.Not only because of George but because it looks brilliant.Just like Syriana and Spy Game
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I know there's an answer
I'm kinda pissed at the whole Lohan and the Justice thing. She's only going to prison for a day. She was drunk and driving and coke was found in her car and that's all she gets!!!Paris Hilton's thing was worse. It's not the first time Lohan gets into a car accident after a party.Is that all you get for drunk driving in the US???Those people are crazy.She could have killed someone.She should get more than that like community service (like work with people who got injured in car accidents related to drunk driving) and her driving licence should be suspended for at least 3 years. That's the kid of thing you get in Germany.I just think that she got off pretty easy. I don't thin she understands what drunk driving can lead to.
Apparently, Britney's boys broke her new puppy's leg. She put the cute little thingy in their crib (who the fuck puts a puppy with a two little kids). They kids apparently threw the animal out of the crib.They're kids, they don't really get it (though Brit could teach them that ANIMALS ARE NOT TOYS) but poor little thingy. I also wonder where her other puppies disappeared.Maybe the kids ate them or threw them out of the window.You never know.
That's it for now.
Friday, August 24, 2007
A knight in shining armor
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Do Me a Favour
I know celebrities/actors etc have a busy schedules but do they really need nannies. Most parents are doing it alone. It's not screwing the kids up. I understand if you have 4 kids but Courtney Cox has a nanny and she only has one kid.They take her on vacation and everything. I understand that you wanna be alone sometimes and have a nice evening with your husband, followed by some kinky sex but simple babysitters exist. I think too many celebs rely too much on their nannies. Parents all around the world have kids and work hard at the same time. My parents both had jobs but one of them was always there for us for the homework or to bring us to the park or play. You don't need a permanent nanny.I'm sure kids prefer to spend time with their parent than with the nanny.
Pete Doherty has once again been arrested. A week after his last court audience. Why isn't he in prison? I think he paid the British justice. Apparently, he had some troubles with his female cat. The cat had a litter and the kittens were acting really weird. Turns out the cat was a on coke and since she feeds the kittens it was passed on to them. God, I hope he never has kids.You don't want THAT happening to them. "Oh, honey! I think the baby is high...Oh, whatever...Want some more, mate?"
I have to admit: I was a backstreet boys fan. Fine. It's over (YES!). Did they really have to bring out a new single? For God's sake you should make different music now. Boy bands are over. Lyrics have no meanings (well not many American songs actually have meaning these days). But I'm a little sick of the "I love you. You love me not. My life is over. I'm gonna die and shoot myself" I that ALL you think about?? It's ALWAYS the same!
Lindsay Lohan is in rehab but she spends a lot of her time being out of the center. Okay, I'm not an experts in rehab centers but aren't you supposed to stay there at least 3 weeks without going out? I know she is in Utah, so not much can happen there but she goes shopping and got a tan, went rafting and blablablabla. She's always out of that center. Usually when celebs and other (non-famous) people go in there you don't see them for a month. They are not supposed to see any family member for a while. You're supposed to spend your time talking, reflecting, enjoying being in the media. But she goes out and gets photographed!!! She knows she is gonna be photographed. How do you wanna get better, Lohan? It's you 3 time in rehab don't you think you should be more serious about this? Take care of yourself, you're just a kid. It's just a little sad.I think she actually likes being photographed. I read this ELLE article.. The interview took place in Hyde (one of the most celeb filled restaurant) and insisted on having lunch outside in full view of the papz and then refused going out through the backdoor. I would HATE being photographed when I eat. She knows there are 20 of them there. The interviewer was a little sceptical too.Why does she go there anyway? She answered that she likes the food. I'm sure there are a million other perfectly good restaurants in LA. But Hyde and Les Deux are the IN places. Every celeb who WANTS to be seen goes there. She has to decide what she wants. She is good actress but people are starting to forget that cause she does her best to be on the cover of every tabloid magazine every single week.
Oh, I love my life.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The kids are alright

Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and their little international family are in Chicago and went for a boat trip.They don't really seem to mind their kids being photographed so I can only say: Shiloh is the most beautiful thing on earth.She looks like a little angel.Blue eyes, blond hair. Mini Brad Pitt.Precious.
A lot of people say Suri is really cute. She is. But she can look a bit freaky. Just like her I-love-Scientology parents. Just kidding.Tom Cruise is weird though.And he looks ugly.And he jumps on sofas on Oprah.That's what scientology does to people.
It also looks like I was one of the few who didn't watch Highschool Musical 2 (HSM2) the other night. Well, one of the main reason is that I don't have Disney Channel. Secondly: I haven't seen the first one (well I've seen 30 minutes of before I heard the call of alcohol and shisha). Thirdly: I think Zac Efron is GEORGOUS but HSM isn't exactly my type of thing. It looks kinda funny and entertaining but I don't think I would like the songs. It has beaten every TV record yesterday but I still think it can't beat Grease or West Side Story. What happened to the rebels. I think Americans need something like HSM. No rebels.No bad guys. The kids are not perfect but almost. They get along with their parents, they sing, dance, don't smoke or drink. No riské rock songs. No G-rated scenes. Even the Even the Amish could watch it. It's just not very realistic.Teen/Tween-pop, romance but no sex-talk or attraction. It's like Barbie and Ken (Actually Efron looks like Ken). I understand why a lot of people like it. You want to believe in a world like that. It's a cute story. War! Terrorism!Global Warming!Let's forget that for 1 h 1/2. Escapism escapism. But, I admit, I should watch it. It's a culture thing. It's gonna be talked about for a while. And I can always just look at Zac ;) And I think I prefer that kids/teens watching that than taking Lindsay and co as role models.
Friday, August 17, 2007
It's all about the hair !!
You gotta see this.It's West Side Story all over.
Oh Zac Efron how I wish you were 3 years older.
H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D tales
Is it me or does Brad Pitt have small ears. I saw this profile picture of him and it seems he has small ears compared to the seize of his head.It's not the end of the world, it's just something I've noticed.Sorry.
Why does everyone always say that him and Angelina are going to break up? It's like they want it! Well, they probably do since it would make a great cover story and make them very rich. Well I've never ever bought a tabloid and won't ever do it because they're just silly liars (to put nicely). Moving on.
I also these new photo shoot pics of Mrs I-have-no-more-career Spears and I have to say it's little weird. Why would get naked at every photoshoot? Do you really want your kids to see you naked on every magazine cover? I would be petrified if that was my mother. I know they're just little kids but they are going to see those when they're older. Besides these pics look a little fake. She looks REALLY thin on those. Yet she has baby weight.
Women rule the western world these days. Isn't nice!But what a great image! Paris-Lindsay-Nicole-Britney (and they friend Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Misha Barton) get more attention then Nancy Pelossi, Hilary Clinton (well she does get a lot of coverage), Yulia Tymoshenko, Afghan and Iraqi women, Melinda Gates, Wu Yi...Kianda sad. If only the Paris like women did something good for the world but I can't find anything.Women fought for recognition and this is what we get.Good job, gurls.
To finish I would like to quote the lovely I-can't-rap-and-uses-my-ex-wife's-money-and-status K-Fed: (at a party) "Yo, I got a bigger table, I got six bitches with me. I got 4 kids already - which one of you girls want to have my fifth?" I love this world.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Talk about living in a materialistic world
(Hot) men (you need something to look at)
Starbucks/Second Cup (thank you for Chai Lattes, Dulce de Leche and Peanut Butter Pecan)
Coffee (addiction addiction. REHAB)
Alcohol (Bailey's, Beer)
My Ipod (Mr White Duke. After David Bowie. My Ipod is green but whatever)
Computer (Dino. After Dean Martin)
Bagels and Ben n' Jerry Ice cream
Friends and Family
TV (haven't named that one yet)
Talk about living in a materialistic world. I don't care.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Laughed my head off.
I'm Harry POtter, I'm Harry POtter
Voldemort, Voldemort, Volde-Voldemort
Monday, July 30, 2007
Rules and Regulations
Anyway. I might go on tour with a friend of mine who is a singer.That could be a lot of fun. I would be backstage during festivals:D:D:D YAY
Friday, July 27, 2007
Devilish devilish
I'm gonna grab some Ben and Jerry ice cream.Chunky Monkey or something.That's ALWAYS good.If I lived on a planet whee it could be physically possible to have sex with food it would be either Vanilla Cookie Dough/Brownie Ben and Jerry ice cream or a Cinnamon Frappucino from Starbucks.But I would probably die before having sex with it.Just the idea is very tempting.
Will Lindsay Lohan have Starbucks in jail?I DON'T THINK SO!...I'm mean.Sorry. Just sick of these Hollywood brats.
I really think the actor (Michel) from the Gilmore Girls lives near my place. I go jogging in the park at the same time every evening and he's always there.It's fun.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
OH NO!!!
Anyway.I finished the HP book on Sunday.It's brilliant!!I loved it!Now I'm kinda sad it's all over.Come back Harry!!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Rich and famous
Speaking of pregnancy: I'm not really sure if Nicole Richie is pregnant but if she is, she's better get a little fatter...or less skinny.Seriously.She CANNOT carry a child.She's flesh and bones.
There are some cute kids in Hollywood these days:The Jolie-Pitt kids are adorable, especially Maddox and Shiloh; Ben Affleck's kid is cute, though I have no clue what her name is;Courtney Cox's girl is cute as well
But these kids have the weirdest names:
Apple Martin
Suri Cruise
Rumer and Tallulah Belle Moore-Willis (first one sounds like Hummer)
Peaches Honeyblossom and Fifi Trixibelle Geldof (what the?? I'm not even gonna start on that one)
Coco Cox-Arquette (Good luck for her when she has to learn how to pronounce this one), Phinnaeus and Hazel Roberts
Rainbow Joan of Arc Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix's sister. Ouch! For God's sake she was burnt alive)
And recently, Kerri Russell decided to name her kid River. RIVER! "Hi! My name is River. I live in the forest and my hair is made of droplets."
There's this boxing Champion George Foreman who had 7 kids, including one girl. He named all the boys George (I, II, II, IV, V, VI) and the girl Georgetta. Now, he must have a HUGE ego. And how do you do when you only want to call one of them!"Hey, George the third, come down for a minute" Well that's easy. Good start in life, kids.
It's a scary world out there in celebrity land, let me tell ya. Those kids won't get beaten up in school because they have rich parents and because they'll all probably look really good in highschool (which is REALLY unfair because you're NOT supposed to look good at that age. It's a rule. But, again, celebrity planet is not the real world.UNFAIR!).
Friday, July 6, 2007
Fabulously Lazy
If you've seen Ocean's 13, you'll have noticed that Brad and George got even better. I did not think this was possible. But APPARENTLY the world is unfair.Since when is getting older something good?You're supposed to look, well...old.Well, Brad and George don't want it that way. Fine with me.I enjoy it.If only I could get closer to them.
I'm starting to like Angelina Jolie...I know it's weird.But I have no reason not to like her. I thought she was a bad actress but I watched The Good Shepherd the other day and thought she was pretty good. And she is beautiful.So.Yeah.I like her.And Brad looks happy. And they have cute kids.
I won't talk about Paris Hilton cause she makes me angry and should return to jail just because it's fun. More celebrity kids should actually go to jail. It maybe clear their heads.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Hello, Kitty!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Too many fast foods, fat people with thick accents.
I'm complaining too much but I haven't slept in at 35hr and I'm tired of running around. They keep chaning the gates. Weird American people
Thursday, May 24, 2007
yada yada yada
sorry for the lack of update.It's just hard to find the time and the online connection.
Great country, great people.
Monday, May 7, 2007
The Traveller
Why do you lose a day when you go to Australia? I mean I know why but where does it all go. You kinda feel cheated. A whole day disappears just like that. You grow older but you don’t notice. It’s kinda weird. You travel 14h but, in the end, it’s like you’ve travelled for 24.
Just saw Ashlee Simpson’s boyfriend in the airport…can’t remember his name. Will check. He’s that emo kid in an emo band.......(looking up)....Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy.That's it.He looks ugly and can't carry his own bag.Someone was carrying it for him.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Those to come
The weather is beautiful here.It kinda makes people crazy.But funny crazy.I saw 5 guys dressed up as animals.Very funny.I wish I'd had my camera with me.I love Montreal in Spring and Summer.Everyone is barbecuing, staying outside, playing music in the parks,smoking a little pod.Just perfect
French elections today...I don't like any of the candidates but I seriously don't trust Sarkozy.He's kinda scary and has said some really awful things in the past.I'm pretty sure he's gonna win though.The French want order and change.Just checked: Sarko: 53% Ségolène: 47%.Nothing is done yet but still.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Music: I'm not gonna list all the bands an artists cause that would take too long and I would need a lot of time to thiAnk about that and organize them into alphabetical order
Friends: laugh , happy tears, craziness,...
Men: I know they can be annoying little pigs but, seriously, what would we become without them? We would all be nuns.
Autumn: I love the colors. And it smells good...and you can throw yourself in the leafs.
Snow: I like scarfs and gloves..and snow angels.And when it's sunny, it's even better
Baby animals...They're cute. And fluffy. Have big eyes...Sorry
Food. Who doesn't. Seriously!
Shopping: duh!don't need to explain that one.
Cinema: popcorn, good movies, Flor and Alahna laughing very loudly. Like VERY. Flor couldn't stop laughing for a minute during
Traveling: I wish I could do that all my life.I hope I'll find a job where I can travel all the time
Alcohol: I know a lot of people say you do not need alcohol to have a nice party or a nice time but I kinda object to that.It often makes things way funnier....NEW YEARS EVE.Me throwing stuff at the girls, them not wanting to leave the room.Hilarious
Listening to sad songs at night, rocky songs when going to class or running in the morning.
Getting mail: not emails! Real letters. It's very good to go back in time sometimes
I leave it to that right now...
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
The Clap
Izzie and George...I would love the 2 together.Callie is...Callie.Jealous)kinda understandable but who asks her husband to stop seeing his bestfriend??).
I won't see all the final episodes of these shows cause I'm leaving...I guess the Donkey emule will help me there...
Brad Pitt is coming to Montreal...MAY 22!!I won't be here...I'm kinda miffed right now;D Why does he come when I'm not here, uh?Why? Why?
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Birds and Beasties
I have to go shopping.I need stuff for the summer.I love shopping for summer clothing: what's better than flip flops and skirts?
Oh...Brad and George are on tv...Have to go;D
Friday, April 27, 2007
Cosy in the Rocket
Celeb gossip for Lana:
It just seems that everyone goes to rehab these days...for anything..."Oh my God!I'm addicted to Ben and Jerry's chunky monkey ice-cream!I have to go to rehab!". It's like a trend these days: Britney "let's shave my head" Spears, Lindsay "spoiled child Star" Lohan, the gardener from Desperate Housewives,...What is wrong with young Hollywood?Where are their parents?Lindsay Lohan is supposed to be 20 or so, so according to US law, she isn't supposed to drink!Yet she can get in any club and bar she wants because she is famous. How fucked up is that!I'm not saying she shouldn't drink.I started early myself.BUT it's just weird that only because she is a celebrity, she should be allowed to get wasted publicly.
That whole Alec Baldwin story bothers me as well: ok he shouldn't have said all that stuff to his kid but a lot dad do that!!You get frustrated with your kid.And how did this even get public!PRIVACY people!I just don't understand why he should apologize publicly.This is a private matter!It's between his daughter and him not the fucking world.Every parent loses control with their kids once in their life time.Fine...whatever.This just bothers me because this is too private.There is a kid in the story.
I need a new Coldplay the way, while I'm in Australia, the Arctic Monkeys, Keane and RUFUS WAINWRIGHT will play in Montreal!!!WHY??????They have to waite for me!!Especially Rufus.Keane had to cancel their concert last year because the lead singer, Tom, went to rehab(one more to the list). They aren't the best live acts but still. I like their last album.
I keep seeing Michel from the Gilmore Girls in Montreal.I know he lives here when he isn't shooting but he must be living near my place cause I've seen him 4 times in 8 months.I never said hi though.Quiet a lot of celebs up here.I saw Patrick Watson playing guitar in the park in September and now he's becoming really famous
K-Fed is weird...Why is he famous again??Worst album ever or was married to Britney and took advantage of her celeb status?Hard to choose.
tttttttt.hollywood..wha a crazy world.It's a city full of kids.But it can be funny
Live and learn
So...Going to Oz in a few days:D Really excited to see the girls again.I should take my computer to Australia so I can post pics and tell about the trip.I'll have to wait 10 hours at The LA airport so I might as well take it with me to watch movies and go online.10 hours!!!It's way too long.Then I have a 14hr flight. I think they want to kill me.But there's a a good thing at the end of the trip so that's great.