This is the ad for the fall season....funny....this a woman's worlk.Coldplay and a smiling Mcdreamy :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I LOVE him!!He's amazing and absolutely adorable.I was watching the Olympics the other day and he came on and I didn't know who he was.But I thought he looked hot, plus he's Australian.After he made two great jumps, I thought..."mmmmhhh he is totally gay"....which of course, to me, makes him even more adorable :)He did this little wave thing and then cried and I wanted to hug him.
I love his t-shirt....Aussiebum.I think I'm not the only one who likes him cause he's videos and interviews have been watched MANY times
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Happy Days, Mr President!
First carrying the flags the wrong way. I know anybody could make that mistake but it's hilarious cause he's the President of the US.

Hey!Watch it!....where that hand going, Mr President? ;)
I'm gonna get arrested for making fun of him...
Well at least he is having fun..I guess everyone in Iraq can't say the same about themselves right now...
I would actually find him a great little funny puppet-like president if all the previous stuff hadn't happened:
"It's frightening being from another country, when you hear George W Bush giving these speeches where he seems to ignore the fact that anhone else exists outside America, on any sort of human level.We're just allies or enemies" oooooohhh yeah freedom fries :)
A dancing, funny president is great (or not since he is the most powerful man on the planet)...but in the middle you have Guantanamo, waterboarding, Iraq, weapons of mass distraction, lies....well the list is long
Have fun in China!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Hot Stuff: Jonny and Chris

I noticed something at the Coldplay concert.We all know Chris is hot.But what is even better is Chris and Jonny together.They"re hot and adorable...and have a very special friendship.Actually girls do it all the time.The hugs, the kisses (though only on the cheek).Look at the following pictures and tell me what you think:

The next couple of pictures are more revealing.Hehehe :
Chris to Jonny

Jonny to Chris (live action:

Basically I think they should hot sex.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
young and free...and slighty wasted
Other than that not much is going on.Just trying to figure out where I'm gonna go once I've graduate.Gradschools applications are difficult and stressful.For now I've got some schools in London,Australia,NYC, and here in Montreal...I have to check others out.I think Montreal would be the best, for a lot of reasons.First I like it here and I like the house.Second, the program is great, the department knows me, I like the environment and the principal teacher in the program is like this really famous professor in the field who knows all these people and makes conferences at the Hague.He knows me well and I've had him as my teacher.Plus the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Holocaust Studies is here in my university and is one of the best in the field.How great is that?I think I'll get in but you never know.I need to apply to different programs and it's a little stressful.A high GPA is not all at this point...although it helps.
I got shit drunk the other night with my friends and we were on the other side of town and had to ride back home on our bikes.It took us like an hour instead of 30 minutes.It was a fun ride: laughs, drama, tears (not from me), and laughs again.Though there are some blanks in my mind.Like..."we did that?" or how did I get back home?I mean I remember how I opened the door cause I was much more lucid by then but I can't remember the 15 minutes just before being home...I don't know how I put the bike lock on and stuff.It's fun,really.Love it.I wasn't sick so it was all very good.
The Divers City Festival is on in 2 days.It's this Gay and Lesbian Festival that last like a week.It's fun really.Some cute men...unfortunately it's not me that they want but the other cute men around me.I think it's a shame.
HAHAHAHA so funny!!!!This ad is one about Stars Wars video games or digital movie and there was Ewan (as Obi Wan).HILARIOUS.Huge beard.Even as a cartoon character.Love it.
Oh!!Harry Potter is on!yay...Gonna watch it.Wands wands wands (you should look at the face book groups about Harry Potter and his wand...some names are quite inventive."Harry Potter can play with his wand so why can't I?" or "I'd let Hermione Granger give my wand a swish and a flick"...Crazy people)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The new One: Sexual Politics
It's Hillary-ious
Matt Damon was absolutely brilliantly funny in the first one.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
World Affairs
Frei was also talking about the time when someone at the government or news (Fox news probably, the channel most American watch....uuuuhhh) said that there could be a possible chemical attack.People went nuts!!!They bout special clothes, bought plastic sheeting to protect themselves, batteries, flash lights, bottles of water,candles, tins, matches, nobody took the tube...blablabla.People were wondering where to hide in their house in case there was an actual chemical attack.It never came, of course.There just so much fear that people go crazy a way that's funny cause if there is indeed a chemical attack I'm not we can do much about it.And the fact that people go crazy is a little funny...just all the things they do, you know.But it's also scary...they're really obsessive.You never what people can do or say when they are scared...Remember Freedom Fries?Patriotism and the Patriot Act?That's actually a little scary.
What a world!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Good news
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Cover cover?
So...I'm gonna be away for a few days.Well til Sunday so that's alright.No internet for 4 days....that's gonna be a little difficult.hehehe.I know, pathetic.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Married men

Great!....I've developed a crush on James McAvoy.Well not a reeeaaal crush just know, he's cute, is a good actor and has a Scottish accent.That's basically what I need.I wish Patrick Dempsey had a Scottish or British accent.That would probably kill me.Anyway, I saw McScottish in Atonement, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Last King of Scotland as well as in Becoming Jane.I've also seen bits and pieces of Wanted...but action movies are not exactly my thing.I think he was excellent in the Last King of Scotland and Atonement.It's shame he is married though.I can't have any of a my men pleasures: McPitt = married, McScottish = married, McDreamy = married.No no no.That won't do.Hollywood men settle down and have kids...and then they get prettier and prettier.These days, Hollywood men get handsomer with age...why is that?It's like Dorian Gray all over again.But they actually settle down with an actress and they calm down.Done with partying and all, they just take care of their wife and kids.Others, like McHotsingle (Clooney), odon't wanna have a wife or girlfriend...So,basically, there like no chance for the non-famous.
This rant makes no sense but I don't care.Just got carried away in my fantasy :)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Oooooh Caaaanaadaaaa!!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
random random
I wanna read a lot this summer as well.Try to catch up on all the classics and maybe a few entertaining fictions as well.
My List:
Wicked (Finished)
Perfume - Süskind (Reading.Almost finished)
War and Peace - Tolstoy
The Witches of Eastwick - Updike
Jane Eyre - Brontë (always wanted to read that one)
1984 - Orwell
I really want to see Wall-E, the new Pixar/Disney movie.I think he looks so adorable."WAAALLL-EEEEE" I might go next week
I'm going on a 3 day horseride/camping trip...I just wanna see nature.I'm taking a friend.I'm really excited.I think it's a good way to discover Canadian nature....As long as we don't meet any bears along the way, I'm sure we'll have a great time.Other than that I'm not so sure what I wanna see this summer.I usually find summer movies quite annoying.Blockbusters without any real meaning.That's fine, I'm not saying any movie should have a deep meaning but I'm not too interested in seeing Batman and so on.Just not really my cup of tea.
The jazz festival is currently taking place in Montreal and I went to this Leonard Cohen Tribute concert the other night.Free and open air.Lots of people and great atmosphere.Katie Melua did two songs, Sam Cohen (his son), Garou (he is very famous in France.I usually don't like his songs but he did a great interpretation of Everybody knows), etc.MAny concerts are free during the festival so it's a good chance to see live music.
Can't wait for Coldplay and Radiohead :):)
Have to go the Piknik Elekronik now.Electro music, friends, food and alcohol.What more can you ask for?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The world of music
Anyway...rant over....
If I had to form a boy band:
-the old and wise one: George Clooney (well he is kinda wise with all the humanitarian work but I heard he likes to party and he is forever single)
-the young, funny one: Jake Gyllenhaal, Adam Brody, James McAvoy or James Marsden (cute and funny)I know...long list.But I can't decide.Cause that one is important cause every girl is going to jump on him and that's how I'm gonna sell CDs and fill stadiums
-the family man: Brad Pitt (well he has a million kids so...)
-the wild one: Jude Law? I think...well he's British.I can see him with a lot of tattoos.
-the back singer, the one hiding behind the others, but so pretty: Patrick Dempsey
Ok..they are all rather old.Except for Adam, Jake and the James'...that might cause some difficulties when comes to the dancing.George might hurt his back or toe.But I'll be there to give him a back massage.I want Jude to play just a little bit of guitar and Patrick will certainly want to juggle.And if I ever need a gay one then I'll call pretty Rufus...I wish he write them songs but boy bands are not really supposed to write good songs so I don't think that's possible boy band...I think they will be a hit.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tales of teens
Anyway...Oh yeah, I saw the damn Jonas Brothers...twice.I walked past them while they were giving autographs in front of their hotel (which was just next to ours).It was 7 in the morning and they looked so clean.Clean hipsters?Perfect hair, virginity rings, no drugs or's all very funny, I think.Especially since in Hollywood and the music industry.Never gonna happen I think.Unless they are gonna get married at 21 just because they wanna have sex...Then they'll live a miserable life because they married too young....Yeah, I know it's sounds sarcastic and pessimistic.They do whatever they like and if they believe in it, great for them.I personally don't cause I've seen couples get married young and get divorced rather quickly because they wanted to meet someone else.
Oh I heard about these 17 girls getting pregnant in the US because they made a pact to have babies so they could have baby showers and raise their kids fucking retarded is that???Seriously?I think that's complete madness.They don't realize what they gotten themselves into, obviously.
You've got the two extremes here...abstinence and teen pregnancy
.....Oh what a world!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Ten reasons why I wanna see this movie (trailer further down)
2.Clooney pulls the weirdest faces. "Who are you?111"
3.Brad seems to be playing a complete idiot.I think he is gonna make me laugh so hard
4."I thought you might be worried about the security of your shit!"
5.Brad and George reunited.
6.The Coen Brothers make brilliant movies.I love them
7.Clooney's smile in the trailer (1.29)
8.Brad's laugh (1.40)
9."For PC or MAC?"
10John Malkovic, Tilda Swindon and Frances McDormand
oh yes yes yes
This looks absolutely hilarious .Brad Pitt,George Clooney, Malkovic....great great great!!The Coen Brothers are amazing
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Haven't seen SATC yet but am going to see i on Tuesday with a glass of martini, of course.I can't wait.I'm also going to NYC in 10 days so that's gonna make it all better.I'm gonna look for everything SATC, including Sarah Jessica Parker and shoes ;) Thank God I can drink in the US by the way, cause I really wanna do that as well.Besides shopping and walking all day.
I'm a little saddened by the news of Yves Saint-Laurent's death as well.He was quite a man and revolutionized women's clothe.They were allowed to wear what men wore, which was pretty great at the time.We might take it for granted now but it was a big deal at the time.So, yeah, sad news.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
This is necessary...
Down under?
So I ended up looking at travel websites.This is the kind of things they put on Australian travel websites.I think it's pretty encouraging.
Box Jell Fish:
You have virtually no chance of surviving the venomous sting (hahahahaha), unless treated immediately. The pain is so excruciating and overwhelming that you would most likely go into shock and drown before reaching the shore ( even if you are with someone, they might not be able to reach you before you die). So don't go swimming alone!
Stone fish:
The sting causes excruciating pain (well thanks for the details) and a great deal of swelling rapidly develops causing death to tissues.The symptoms of the venom are muscle weakness, temporary paralysis and shock, which may result in death if not treated.
Blue Ring Octopus:
One of the more deadly animals on the face of the Earth (Ok...that's interesting...) Although the painless bite can kill an adult, injuries have only occurred when an octopus has been picked out of its pool and provoked or stepped on.
Symptoms: nausea; hazy vision, within seconds you are blind (fantastic!) ; loss of sense of touch, speech and the ability to swallow; within 3 minutes, paralysis sets in and your body goes into respiratory arrest
Sydney Funnel Web: It is a large (6-7 cm), black, aggressive, ugly looking spider with massive fangs. These are large and powerful enough to easily penetrate a fingernail. During a bite the spider firmly grips its victim and bites repeatedly; in most cases the experience is horrific. The venom is highly toxic. The venom of the slightly smaller male spider is five times as toxic as the female. This is unfortunate, as male funnel webs tend to roam about, particularly after heavy rain in summer, and often wind up indoors. For some strange reason, human beings are particularly sensitive to the venom, whereas toads, cats and rabbits are almost unaffected!(Oh great...suddenly I wish I was a rabbit)
Symptoms: The bite is usually immediately painful, and if substantial envenomation occurs, symptoms commence usually within a few minutes:
- Sweating, muscle twitching, salivation, severe hypertension.
- Vomiting, airway obstruction, muscle spasms, grimacing, extreme hypertension.
- Unconsciousness,widely dilated pupils, uncontrolled twitching, and death unless artificial ventilation is provided.
- After about 2 hours the muscle fasiculations and most symptoms start to subside, and are replaced with insidious but profound hypotension, primarily due to severe cardiac failure.
Crocodiles, Red Back spiders, Tiger snakes, Brown snakes, and the Great White Shark are also kind of frightening.They seriously do not want you to come to Australia when they put that on a website
If you wanna throw up look at this:
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Man That Got Away

Michelle Williams was in Cannes for 2 days.Probably promoting a movie but I don't know exactly which one. I know she did one with Ewan McGregor not long ago but Ewan wasn't there so it must be another one.She looks happy...I'm glad.It must a horrible thing to loose you (ex-) husband.And Mathilda looks so much like her father.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dan vs Blair - Brooklyn vs Manhattan

Upper east side
culture: Metropolitan museum, Frick Collection, Guggenheim, Whitney Museum of American Art. It's hard to compete with the Upper East Side's “museum mile”.

private schools: dalton school
food: Lollipop , Elaine’s, Mr. Chow’s
shopping: Cecile and Jeanne, Chuckies, Stubbs and Wootton, Luca Luca, Cantaloup
celebrities: Brooke Shields, Bill Murray, Robert Redford, Michael J. Fox, Barbara Walters (I don't really care for her but she is totally Upper East Side)
nightclub/bars: session73, Ryan's Daughter, cafe carlyle, Bar Coastal
and well...that's where they shoot Gossip Girl most of the time
Culture: Brooklyn Museum of Art, music venues.
houses: Brooklyn Heights It' s a combination of Manhattan’s Upper Westside and the Village.

private schools: the packer collegiate institute
food: Applewood, 360, iCi, Franny's. Bkcookie (for cookies)
shopping: Brooklyn Pubic couture (vintage), noisette (hipster, french, euro-chic), Hooti Couture, Junk, Zoe.
celebrities: Michelle Williams, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, and Keri Russell
best coffee shop: Vox Pop, Tea Lounge, Fall Cafe, Tillie's
nightclub/bar: Magnetic field, The box, Hugs, BLVD, The Annex
Brooklyn seems top have nicer bars and places to hang out.and it's quieter. It used to be dangerous but now it looks so quiet. Celebrities live there and I guess it helped as well.
When it comes to shopping, it depends what you like vintage/hipster/chic or peppy/French/chic
Monday, May 19, 2008
Housewives in charge
I was COMPLETELY surprised to see this last night.craziness!Gabi, Lynnette and Susan!!!
I do not care for this
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
"Pretty things, so what if pretty things..."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Georgina Georgina

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Wonders wonders

A year today, I was in Australia.It's already been a year.Makes me wanna go there again.I was in Sydney on Bondi beach having breakfast with Zab, looking at the hot surfers.Like them:

One of them lost his trunks after jumping in the water.I laughed at him and he said 'hi' cause he was naked.Even have a picture of him naked but maybe I shouldn't post it....;)
This is a pretty cool article from The Age.I loved backpacking in Australia.It's a lot of fun and you meet so many interesting, and not so interesting, people.
You literally meet all kinds of people.We met this British guy who used to replace the Arctic Monkey's drummer when they weren't famous yet.Or you just meet people who came to Australia and decided to stay for a year doing little jobs here and there while traveling around the country. I think that's pretty courageous.
I wish I could go back soon.Great great fun.I'll probable end up in SYdney one day anyway"I should retire there.It's a very peaceful laid back "little" island.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
All Around the World
1. Rwanda.
I'm always hesitating between Rwanda and Kenya.Very different landscapes though.Kenya is dry.My brother is going to Kenya this Summer for an internship.I'm a little jealous I have to say. Rwanda might sound weird but apparently it's fantastic. Both the people and the landscape

2. Mongolia
Very isolated. It's the wilderness that attracts me.Horse riding in Mongolia would be great!!!

3. Australia
I just love it.It's beautiful. Especially the Blue Mountains. And I love Sydney. Beach, city and 2 hours away from the Blue Mountains

4. Ethiopia
Mountains in the North

5. New York City
Going there soon. I go rather often but I still love. Should visit the Upper east Side Again

I's cold...whatever.Still want to go there

I think I have a thing for Mountains.....and cities with skyscrapers. I think I might want to go back to Italy as well. Rome is amazing. And Tuscany. Especially for the food.Gelato and antipasti

Monday, May 5, 2008
WaA!GoSSiP GiRl!!

With all the buzz about Gossip Girl, I started watching it 2 weeks ago.What a mistake.A huge mistake.Cause now I like it...which is bad.I don't know why though.Now I like too many shows.Well not really.Most of the shows I liked are over, except for Brothers and Sisters and Grey's Anatomy (the last episode was awesome by the way.Very funny elevator scene...involving McDreamy).Back to Gossip Girl.I love the clothe. I love Nate, Serena, and Dan is really nice.Jenny is getting bitchy and Blair-y, which I find very interesting.And it's set in NYC!What else can you wich for.The bitchy, classy NY high society.Wonderful wonderful.

SO yeah the cloth are amazing.I just wanna wear everything.Especially the shoes usually.I have a thing for shoes.Well who doesn't.
Yes the show is way better than the OC.I don't know.I hated Marissa. Ryan was a little weird as well. Though I loved Seth. And was in California...who likes Orange County anyway. New York the thing, man! Chuck and Blair might be bastards but I still like them.They make the show all the more interesting.
So yeah..I'm not addicted....But I like it
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Little Notes
4 names you go by:
1. Little Belgian
2. Yiyi
3. Crazy
4. Elmo
4 things you like about yourself:
1. Loyalty
2. my eyes
3. ability to drink and drink ;).
4. I think I'm a little smart.I like that :)
4 parts of your heritage:
1. Belgian
2. Dutch
3. French
4. ....
4 of your everyday essentials:
1. ipod/Music
2. mascara
3. my little apple computer
4. my friends
4 of your favourite bands or musical artists: (currently)
1. Rufus Wainwright
2. Coldplay
3. The Shins
4. Interpol/Robbie Williams
4 of your favourite songs:
1. Rufus Wainwright - Go or Go Ahead
2. Rufus Wainwright - Dinner at Eight
3. Coldplay - Swallowed in the Sea
4. The Shins - The Shins
4 things you want in a relationship:
1. Trust
2. Laughs
3. Debates about politics, history, etc
4. Fun
4 things about the preferred sex that appeal to you
1. intellect
2. sexy. especially the the eyes...
3. nice but a little rough
4. fashion...sorry.
4 current obsessions:
1. Biking with friends around Montreal
2. Dancing. House and electro.
3. Mojitos
4. Gossip Girl
4 kinds names you like:
1. Aidan
2. Hazel
3. Ryder
4. William
4 things you want to do before you die:
1. Have a or two kids
2. Work at the UN
3. Volunteer work in Africa
4. Travel travel travel travel travel
4 celeb crushes:
1. George Clooney
2. Brad Pitt
3. Patrick Demspey
4. Ewan Wilson
4 (of my) favorite movies:
1. Love Actually
2. Syriana
3. Good Night and Good Night
4. Y tu mama Tambien
4 of your favourite hobbies:
1. Music
2. Drinking
3. Reading
4. Politics
4 places I would like to go:
1. Kenya
2. Ethiopia
3. Australia
4. New York
Thursday, May 1, 2008
If you love me, won't you let me knooow
Was a long and dark December
From the rooftops i remember
There was snow
White snow
Clearly i remember
From the windows they were watching
While we froze down below
When the future's architectured
By a carnival of idiots on show
You'd better lie low
If you love me
Won't you let me know?
Was a long and dark December
When the banks became cathedrals
And the fog
Became God
Priests clutched onto bibles
And went out to fit their rifles
And the cross was held aloft
Bury me in honor
When i'm dead and hit the ground
A love back home unfolds
If you love me
Won't you let me know?
I don't want to be a soldier
With the captain of some sinking ship
With snow, far below
So if you love me
Why'd you let me go?
I took my love down to violet hill
There we sat in snow
All that time she was silent still
So if you love me
Won't you let me know?
If you love me,
Won't you let me know?
Also I have tickets for the Radiohead concert in Montreal this summer.I'm very excited about this. Open air concert on a small fun fun
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Violet Hill
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I'm in the wrong profession

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Mrs Fashionista
Friday, April 18, 2008
Pretty things what if I like pretty things
Summer nights
Anyhow...enough babbling.
I'm so glad all the tv show are starting again.Desperate Housewives was on the other.Except that it's like 2 months have past in the tv show as well.There was a freaking tornado last time but it is hardly talked about.How weird is that.
Sunday we'll have Brothers and Sister and Thursday, Grey's Anatomy.Except that I won't be home for Grey's because I have a dinner I have to go to.Guess I'll have to watch it online.I still can't wait:D
Monday, April 14, 2008
About New York
Best songs about New York: New York New York by Frank Sinatra is an obvious one, New York by Sex Pistols,New York avec Toi by Téléphone, Manhattan by Ella Fitzgerald
Best Neighborhood: just depends what you like. Upper East Side, Soho, West village, East Village.Shopping in NY is amazing.5th avenue is pretty but shopping can be a little expensive (
Sitcoms in New York: Friends and Sex and the City
Best newspaper: obviously the New York Times
Best arts and entertainment: amazing museums (ex:MOMA), big and small theaters and obviously Broadway.There are great small bookstores around the city as well.
Best food: bagels on a Sunday morning. I also went to this amazing Greek restaurant.can't remember the name but it was very good.
Best food stand: the Shake Shack in Madison Square Park.
Famous people living in NY: too many. But I like Rufus Wainwright. Michelle Williams lives in Brooklyn. Sarah Jessica Parker.Bono.Uma Thurman.Tim Robbins and Susan Surandon.Meryl Streep.Leonardo DiCaprio.I think many celebs who live in NY have more culture. I'm not saying there no intelligent actors/singers/writers in LA (look at George) but globally it seems that NY is for the more private, cultured and peaceful people.Maybe it's just an impression.There were amazing artists in the 1980s as well.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
rant rant rant
In 2003, when little ignorant Bush and his administration claimed that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction and decided to attack Iraq, a few Americans decided to criticize it.So the Dixie Chicks said they were ashamed that Bush was from Texas.George Clooney, Susan Surandon, Tim Robbins and several others made similar moves.Consequence: boycott. CDs were thrown in the garbage, people were called un-American, put on the cover of magazines and called traitors, and so on.I find it horrible really.One of the darkest pages of American history.The US were founded on the idea of freedom, including freedom of speech, but this crazy administration destroyed civil liberties and completely brainwashed most of America. It took them years to realize.4 years ago I was in NY with my dad and his boss.His boss and I got into a little debate about the war and Bush.He was completely supportive of the administration.Today, he has changed his opinion.Thank God.
But I still feel uneasy about it.Americans changed their opinion because the war is hurting them.Hurting their soldiers, hurting the opinion the world has of them, their economy.But do we ever hear about the number of Iraqis killed; men, women and children. Not really.We know 4000 US soldiers have died. But what about innocent Iraqis?...hmmhmm.
Anyway...sorry for this little outburst.I just think the movie is very symbolic of what happened in the US during 4 years.It destroyed them
As much as I love New York and I also have good American friends I think America should think a little bit more and open their eyes to other people.
So in the words of Rufus Wainwright:
Tell me do you really think you go to hell for having loved?
Tell me and not for thinking every thing that you've done is good
After soaking the body of Jesus Christ in blood
I'm so tired of America
I may just never see you again or might as well
You took advantage of a world that loved you well
I'm going to a town that has already been burned down
I'm so tired of you America
Friday, March 21, 2008
Easter easter
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
this and that and this and that
I know Paris' brother was arrested not long ago.It's in the family, I tell you.And Aaron Carter got arrested as well.That was funny.All the Z listers getting arrested because their parents and family couldn't say 'no' when they were kids.I mean, I've watched The Carters on MTV a few times and that Aaron kid needs some straitening up.My brother is the same age and is so much more mature.Aaron is an awful spoiled kid who doesn't have any respect for anyone, really.
Just heard Matt Damn and wife are pregnant again.That's cute:D
I miss Jake Gyllenhaal.I wish he would do an interview or something so I can make sure he's alright.There have been a few pics since Heath Ledgers' death but I just hope he is alright.As wel as Michelle.Poor little thing.
What else....I REALLY following the elections this year.It's so damn exciting.I looove Hillary.I wanna put her in my pocket and feed her with corn and cereals.I hope she wins...Obama...well.He hasn't done much as a senator.He's young.He could run again in a few years.But his whole speech about change and hope great but it's kinda of idealistic.But Americans are idealistic and they belief in him because he brings them hope.I think it's a little foolish.I guess it's my little European cynical side speaking here but I don't think he has enough experience to bring that huge change he is talking about.You kinda need experience to be at the White House.
Anyway...I just hope McCain doesn't win.I don't want another Republican in Washington.And his wife freaks me out.She looks so clean and perfect (although she has a past of prescription abuse).She just looks so barbie-doll perfect that it actually really freaks me out.Her hair is ALWAYS in the right place.And her smile is a little scary too.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I've done it but...
Warning over celebrity drug use
Pete Doherty, late 2007
Singer Pete Doherty's drug problems have filled newspapers
Celebrities 'let off'
Dealing too leniently with celebrities who use drugs sends out the wrong message to young people, the United Nations drugs watchdog has said.
Philip Emafo, president of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), warned against treating famous drug users too softly.
When celebrities took illegal drugs, he said, it glamorised narcotics abuse.
His message came as the INCB released its annual report, which also called for top drug dealers to be targeted.
Too many governments target low-level street dealers but do little to tackle big criminal gangs, the report said.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
And the Oscar goes to.....the Coen brothers
The ceremony was fun.John Stewart is funny.No real truly emotional moments though(like Julia Roberts, Halle Berry, Matt Damon/Ben Affleck,Roberto Benigni,Tom Hanks moments) except for Marion Cotillard, Heath Ledger and some of the little movies they showed, which I found well made.
But always enjoy the Oscars anyway.Some lovely little cookies tonight: George and McDreamy!I wish Brad would come once in a while....I don't care if Angie is pregnant.I wanna see him at the Oscars, especially since Jesse James was nominated for a couple of things...Acctually it's great that she is pregs again.
Here are some of the winners:
Performance by an actor in a leading role
Daniel Day-Lewis in "There Will Be Blood"
Performance by an actor in a supporting role
Javier Bardem in "No Country for Old Men"
Performance by an actress in a leading role
Marion Cotillard in "La Vie en Rose"
Performance by an actress in a supporting role
Tilda Swinton in "Michael Clayton"
Best animated feature film of the year
Achievement in directing
"No Country for Old Men" Joel Coen and Ethan Coen
Best documentary feature
"Taxi to the Dark Side"
Best foreign language film of the year
"The Counterfeiters" Austria
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song)
"Falling Slowly" from "Once"
Best motion picture of the year
"No Country for Old Men" Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, Producers
Adapted screenplay: "No Country for Old Men"
screen by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
Original screenplay: "Juno"
Friday, February 22, 2008
Oh Lord
Anyway...i hope I can update once in a while.But it's all very stressful.
I can't wait for the Oscars on Sunday.I guess George is not gonna win but still..I love him.
Hillary is loosing ground and it's making me angry.I like Obama but I don't think he has the experience. He wants change, which is great. But in order to have change you still need a little more experience than he has. Hillary has been in the White House and has been senator for a while now.Words and charisma are great, Obama, but action is more important.Hillary can make fantastic speeches when she truly puts her own self and emotions into it.Her last comments at the debate last night were amazing.
I think Americans are not truly ready for a woman to be president...Are they ready for a Black man?...That's what I fear. That there are a bunch of semi-conservatives out there who are not voting in the primaries and do not want to see either a black guy or a woman at the White House and are massively going to votre for John McCain.Do we really wanna be stuck with yet another Republican? I don't think so. He is no George Bush but he is old and does not really seem to have any true connection with America and the non-Republicans.I don't think he has what it takes to be president of the US. I don't care if he has a military record.
Oh I also wonder if Angelina Jolie and lovely Brad are pregs.I guess it's just a stupid rumour
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Mrs President
""""""As I have traveled around the country these past twelve months, what I sensed in my heart has been confirmed – America is embracing its LGBT sons and daughters with an acceptance and understanding as never before. On the campaign trail, a father of a gay son will ask about ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. A woman will ask why she can be discriminated against just because of who she is. Sometimes they wait furtively for the crowd to thin and then whisper their confidences in a soft voice and sometimes they stand up proudly at town meetings and want me to share my views on how I will help lead the change to assure that this country fulfills its promise to everyone.
Let me tell you what I have been telling voters across America. I am fully committed to the fair and equal treatment of LGBT Americans. For seven long years, the Bush Administration has tried to divide us - only seeing people who matter to them. It's been a government of the few, by the few, and for the few. And no community has been more invisible to this administration than the LGBT community.
I will change that. The best evidence of what I will do as President is what I have already done.
* I am proud of my record as First Lady, as a U.S. Senator and as a candidate for President in working toward the fair and equal treatment of LGBT Americans.
* I am proud that as Chair of the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee in 2006, I worked closely with LBGT community to develop a smart strategy that defeated the Federal Marriage Amendment. I am proud of fighting the FMA as divisive wedge politics at its worst.
* I am proud to be a co-sponsor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, and the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligation Act which would grant the same benefits (including health insurance) to domestic partners of federal employees that are currently offered to employees’ legal spouses.
* I am proud to have authored the Early Treatment for HIV Act, which expands access to vital treatment options for low-income individuals living with HIV, and fought to fully fund the Ryan White CARE Act.
* I am proud that I hired a National Director of LGBT Outreach within a month of announcing my candidacy for President and to have openly gay and lesbian staffers serving at all levels of my campaign.
* I am proud to have a National LGBT Steering Committee of over 130 that includes openly LGBT elected officials, Board members and opinion leaders on issues ranging from transgender rights, to HIV/AIDS, to “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”.
* I am proud to have marched in Gay Pride parades as both First Lady and as Senator and to have spoken in front of so many LGBT audiences ranging from the Human Rights Campaign, Empire State Pride Agenda, the Hetrick Martin Institute, PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), GMHC (Gay Men’s Health Crisis), and the American Foundation for AIDS Research.
* I am proud to have fought Republican efforts to demonize and marginalize the LGBT community, and I will continue to do that as President.
We have so much work to do. When I am President, we will work together to make sure that all Americans in committed relationships have equal benefits and that nothing stands in the way of loving couples who want to adopt children in need. We're going to expand our federal hate crimes legislation and pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and assure that they are both fully inclusive of all people. And finally, we will put an end to the failed policy of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Courage, honor, patriotism and sacrifice – the traits that define our men and women in uniform – have nothing to do with sexual orientation.
My father was a conservative Republican, who held very traditional views for much of his life. Yet in his last years, it was a gay couple who lived next door who provided much of the compassion and comfort he and my mother needed as he grew ill. And it was that same neighbor who held his hand as he died. If my father can move, America can move.
To each and every LGBT American, I say this. You have done so much to help this country understand your lives by simply being open and honest about who you are and living your lives with dignity. Thank you for your courage. It is time that we recognize your hard work. I know that this country is ready for changes in the law that reflect the evolution in our hearts.
America deserves a President who appeals to the best in each of us, not the worst; a President who values and respects all Americans and treats all Americans equally no matter who they are or who they love. I want to be that President. I want to be your President.""""""